Aliens Ate My Grandmother – 2012 The Sequel

So, just what IS going to happen in 2012?  I suppose the truthful answer is that we don’t know exactly because we have not experienced it yet.  However, we all have our theories; and I am no exception, hence I am sharing my musings with you now.  Personally, I can’t wait for 2012 to come; and it will be very interesting for me approximately 14 months from now as I’m sitting in my nuclear fallout shelter reading this, because I will then know just how accurate my theory was/is.  Hey!  Only joking OK…. there will be no need for nuclear fallout shelters, so don’t panic.

So, is it going to be another millennium bug?  Promising great catastrophe on an unprecedented scale, yet producing hardly a whimper.  I would give a resounding ”no” to that because the two are simply not related.  But, before I blind the reader with my amazing theory I think I’ll deal with what is NOT going to happen in 2012.  THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO END.  Right, we have sorted that so lets move on with my amazing theory.

I strongly believe that what is going to happen is actually happening now and has been for some time, and 21 December 2012 (which is the date I believe we are told that ”everything is going to kick off”) will simply be the date that everything reaches its climax.  We know that everything within this world of matter has its own frequency of vibration, which resonates in accordance with the purpose that it serves.  We also know that literally everything is in constant motion and that there must be a range of frequency, i.e. a high point and a low point, that determines the vibratory boundaries of this dimension.  Now, we also know that the consciousness of the human race is rapidly growing as more and more incarnate souls are waking up to their inner Christ consciousness; and because of this, more and more love is being expressed in the world and more and more positive thoughts and actions are being instigated.  In accordance with cause and effect this process will be instrumental in raising the rate of vibration within this realm of existence.  It stands to reason that this will cause a degree of disruption as the human race and our wonderful planet grow closer to source.

I firmly believe that these changes will come in the form of a wave; a wave of vibration.  I also believe that this wave will have a similar effect to a tidal wave, only a tidal wave in slow motion, and when the process reaches its climax the third dimension will have a newer and higher frequency range, in fact it may no longer exist; possibly having merged with the astral realms.  As I said, I feel that this process has been going on for some time now, and the significance of 21 December 2012 is that it is simply the date in accordance with God’s intricate and very precise Universal Laws that everything will come together and the process will be complete.

Of course, to say there will be some disruption is an understatement, and those who insist on remaining oblivious to the loving light that permeates throughout the whole of creation will find things extremely difficult indeed (that is also an understatement).  As I said at the beginning of this article I am really looking forward to the changes that are coming and I know there are many like me who feel the same.  I certainly don’t pretend to be some super-evolved being, but I know for certain that I am more evolved than the average man in the street; and it is for this reason that for many years I have felt like a fish out of water almost everywhere I’ve gone.  I am very uncomfortable within the density of this realm of matter and I know there are many on the planet who feel exactly the same way.  So it is for this reason that I really cannot wait for 2012 to be upon us.

No doubt there will be many pundits out there who will disagree with my amazing theory.  But it is ONLY a personal theory and I don’t make any claims that what I’ve written is set in stone, now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to go and think up a title for my next article.

2 thoughts on “Aliens Ate My Grandmother – 2012 The Sequel

  1. Pingback: Aliens Ate My Grandmother – 2012 The Sequel To The Prequel To The Sequel in HD & Surround Sound Part Four | Author Richard F Holmes

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