
I’m writing this post with my UK subscribers in mind, however, I’m sure that readers from all around the world will also be able to relate to the central theme.

Photo by sammy-williams-unsplash

At the moment in the UK, we are seemingly lurching from crisis to crisis, with each new event appearing to be more diabolical than the previous. We had the pandemic; now the cost of living crisis, the energy crises and a few other things thrown in for good measure. As expected, the mass media is taking great delight in churning out headlines of doom and gloom that the majority of people have fallen for, hook, line and sinker. As a result, the vast majority of the population is living in constant fear. This may be normal for the masses, but what makes the current situation slightly different is that it just seems to be relentless. Certainly in my lifetime, I have never known such a chain of events on the scale that we have at this moment in time. Metaphorically, it is as though the mental health of the vast majority of people in this country is being battered relentlessly by giant waves, with no sign of a let-up. The obvious thing to alleviate this problem would be for everyone to throw away their television sets and stop reading newspapers. WHAT?! I know, I know… I can hear you shouting expletives at the screen; how would Brits be able to survive without Coronation Street, Eastenders and the super-soaring, rip-roaring Sun?

Quite easily actually. But, we all know that people are not going to throw away their TVs and stop reading newspapers. After all, why would anyone allow their pain, fear and suffering to be interrupted by happiness?

On a more serious note, I’m going to share here what works for me, and I will add that I’m not pretending to be some sort of guru and I’m the first to admit that I sometimes fall into the traps that my egoic mind sets for me. But in the main, I don’t do too badly in a crisis, and that is due to having faith in the benevolence of our wonderful universe and a very basic understanding of the laws of physics. The first two things to understand are that:

There is always enough.

There is more where that came from.

Does anyone seriously believe that our wonderfully benevolent universe, or Mother Nature, if you want to use another name, doesn’t have enough to go around? There is, always has been and always will be, enough for everybody. The fact that it does not appear to be so has nothing to do with Mother Nature. The truth is that the collective consciousness of our species doesn’t care enough to stop people dying of hunger and a lack of fresh, clean drinking water. There is no need for anyone in our society to go without the basics for what is needed to live a comfortable life. If you know in your heart those two things, “there is always enough” and “there is more where that came from,” your needs will always be met.

Now onto the laws of physics. You don’t have to be Einstein; far from it, this is very basic stuff. The first thing to understand here is that nothing exists except consciousness, which is in a constant state of flux and vibrates at varying degrees of subtlety. In our physical world, consciousness has modulated itself into its grossest form, which we call “matter.” For the sake of this article, hereon I’m going to refer to consciousness in all of its varying forms as “energy.”  It’s also worth mentioning before we go any further, that centuries before humans invented religions and scriptures, the first spiritual texts told us that spirituality and science are two sides of the same coin and cannot be separated. It’s a good thing that I remembered to slip that in because I am now about to hit you with a paradox.

Energy consists of zillions of separate cells, which are actually not separate at all. These cells also communicate with each other.

Yes, every cell has its own intelligence and metaphorically speaking, energy cells “talk” to each other. If two or more cells find that they are speaking the same language, they are attracted to each other and they come together in a creative manner. This is where the laws of attraction and cause and effect come into play, and it is these two laws that most concern us. Like all other natural laws, these two laws are very precise and cannot be tinkered with. First, cause and effect; “for every action there is a reaction.” All actions have consequences; these can be negative, indifferent or positive, depending on the action. But, if we link this simple statement with what was written before about the giving nature of the universe, and also now add in the law of attraction, “energy flows where attention goes,” this makes for some really powerful stuff. So, if you are the kind of person who is constantly going on about how you need more money, you need this and you want that, then you are going to cause serious problems for yourself. Remember, the universe will always only give you EXACTLY what you ask for (give most attention to). So, when you are shaking your fist at the heavens and pleading poverty, you are actually affirming LACK. You are telling Mother Nature that you are living a life of lack, so she will simply comply with your wishes and give you more of the same.

As well as your body and the world around you, your thoughts are also comprised of energy cells, chattering away with their “mates” out in the ether. This means that cells of energy that are vibrationally aligned (speaking the same language) will be attracted to each other creatively. This is how we all create and attract situations and people into our lives.

In a nutshell, the easiest way to be detached from all the nonsense being churned out by the media and to live a happier life is as follows. Before you do anything else, understand that you are consciousness; this is your true nature, you are life itself and you cannot die. Couple this with “there is always enough” and “there is more where that came from,” and you will be able to align yourself with the law of cause and effect and the law of attraction in a positive way. I’m sure there will be people reading this who will have difficulty understanding the concept, but I hope that if this is you, I have at the very least been able to plant a seed that will bear fruit at a later date.


Thought For The Day #179


There is no doubt that when using the law of attraction for the good of everyone, you are connecting yourself to great power. However, the law is also available to you individually so that you may live your life to the fullest. When you live your life to the fullest you have so much more to give others. Your pain and misery does not help the world. But your joy and your life lived fully uplifts the world – Rhonda Byrne

Thought For The Day #155


You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction. It’s a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can’t be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can’t use this simple formula. But the formula is the law. No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, “Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness – Rhonda Byrne

Thought For The Day #133


The law of attraction cannot change anything in your life that you hate, because hate prevents the change from coming. Since the law is giving us exactly what we are putting out, when you hate something the law must continue to give you more of what you hate. You will not be able to move away from it. Love is the only way. If you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life – Rhonda Byrne

Thought For The Day #126


Be aware of the big difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith – you are taking action to “make” your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you. Activity feels hard. Inspired action feels wonderful – Rhonda Byrne

Thought For The Day #119


Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives. So when you feel that the law isn’t working for you because you don’t have what you want, realize that the law is responding to you. You are either attracting what you want or you are attracting the absence of what you want. The law is still working – Rhonda Byrne

Below is the book trailer to Fragments Of Divinity with the new audio.  The video was very kindly made for me by Zorica Milijic.

Thought For The Day #99


It is so important that you are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have. Without gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the law of attraction, because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being, then by default you are emanating ungratefulness. Be proactive and use the frequency of your being to receive what you want – Rhonda Byrne

Thought For The Day #72


Isn’t it great to know that you cannot control your world from the outside? To try and control things on the outside feels impossible because it would take so much work, and in fact it is impossible according to the law of attraction. To change your world all you have to do is manage your thoughts and feelings on the inside of you, and then your whole world changes – Rhonda Byrne