Instant Creation And So Much More

Those of you that know me or who have been subscribed to my blog for some time, will be aware that I have had in excess of 200 astral adventures in the form of out-of-body experiences. You may also be aware that these experiences have been very scarce in the last few years, and you may be additionally aware that I’ve never really known the reason why my soul has chosen to experience these phenomena. Maybe the key to this conundrum is not to analyse, but simply to go with the flow and accept whatever the eternal moment of Now brings to the table. But, just for the sake of it… I’ve always felt that the reason I have these experiences is so that I can share them with people. To help people understand that there is more to life than the “daily drudge” of life on earth. Now… I know what you’re thinking… “why is he blogging about astral travelling if he doesn’t have the experiences anymore?” Well… it’s like this, good people of the Blogiverse, during the early hours of the morning of 30 December 2022, I had quite an amazing experience; and I’m going to share the whole lot with you right here. Hang on to your hats!

It started off as a dream; just like in the “old days,” and I’m going to share the details of the dream with you as well because of something very significant occurring just before I woke up. I was on what felt like a “lads holiday” with someone that I knew from years back; the location was hardly what you would call exotic. It was one of those dreams where the person you are with doesn’t look like the person in question, but all the same, you know it is that person. He appeared to be involved in drug dealing, which I wasn’t comfortable with, but it was OK. We walked past two girls and my “friend” got involved with a drug deal with one of them. It was like the worst kept secret in the universe being played out right in front of my eyes; “let’s do a drug deal but don’t tell Richard.” At one point we seemed to be in a bar when he said something to me about, “when you get home to Birmingham.” I have no idea what this means as I neither come from, nor do I live in Birmingham. Then we were stood by water, which was blue, like swimming pool water, but not clear; in fact it looked as though it could have been extremely deep. For some reason, I decided to jump from the ground on which I was standing to the ground separated by this opaque, blue water. Surely not? I would never make it across. But jump I did.

Now, this is the significant bit. As I jumped, I just seemed to glide above the surface of the water, eventually landing gently on solid ground. Realising that this is one of the gifts I associate with being out of my body, I woke up. Immediately on waking up, a scene appeared in my third eye. It was a strange, grey night time scene, with odd shaped black silhouettes populating the skyline. As I lay there observing this scene, I remember thinking to myself, “If there are no stars in the sky, then create some.” Incredibly, the sky was immediately filled with thousands of beautifully twinkling stars. I was amazed; Instant Creation. This could only mean one thing; I was out of my body. As I lay there sending out thoughts of immense gratitude for the experience, I was aware of being carried off on a journey. Just like the old days I thought…

We travelled through the darkness at speed, until we came to land in what I can only describe as a military-style command post. The strange thing was, that it seemed to have been erected in a built-up area, as opposed to a forest or jungle. I was standing at one end, hands behind my back, underneath the camouflaged net with just a couple of other souls standing at the other. Then more souls entered; they were a mixture of military staff and civilians that I presumed worked for the military. Then what appeared to be a very high ranking officer (a general or such like) entered. I remember thinking to myself, “I might be in trouble here, I probably should have saluted.”. But, nobody else saluted either, and as I continued to stand with my hands behind my back, I suddenly felt my shoulders become very broad. Maybe that was an indicator that I too possibly held some sort of rank. But also, the fact that nobody saluted could be a reminder, that in spirit, rank and status are non-existent. The so-called rank could have simply been an indicator of the job that soul performed. The atmosphere was very calm and relaxed, but before anything further could develop, I felt that familiar pull as though I was heading back to my body.

After a very short journey, I assumed I was back in bed but that assumption was very short lived as I soon realised that I was embarking on another journey. When we stopped travelling I decided that I would reach out in the darkness to whoever it was that had so very kindly given me the experience. I reached out my hand in gratitude and the darkness cleared to show that I was in what looked like a small bed-sitting room. My companion was a young black girl that I would put at about 22 years old in “human speak.” I thanked her profusely for giving me this amazing experience. She said, several times, “it’s OK, I know you.” She then referred to me by a name that I didn’t recognise. I said, “it’s Richard.” I felt very close to this soul and I remember putting my arm around her waist. She then proceeded to change form at least twice. What I took from this sequence of events is a reminder not to get attached to names and forms because ultimately, they do not exist. An older black woman then came to the door, but did not enter the room. Through the open door, I could see that it appeared to be a house of bed-sits; there was souls just hanging out on the staircase above; one young white girl was just sitting on the stairs with her face against the bannisters looking down at us. The scene then changed to a kitchen.

I was in the kitchen with a young black girl, but not sure if it was the same one who had changed form again or whether it was someone different. A man with a rather large waistline made a very brief appearance before disappearing again and I was vaguely aware of other souls, although only a few, looking in to see what was happening. I couldn’t help thinking that I was keeping my friend from her work and then I felt myself moving and in no time at all I was back in my body, laying there in bed wondering what this crazy life is all about.

I really don’t know why I should have this amazing experience after so long, but I’m not complaining. There is one thing worth mentioning though before I bring this marathon post to an end…the importance of expressing gratitude. During and after the experience I expressed gratitude on several occasions. Not only to my companion, but also to God. Not, I might add, to the religious version of God, but to this God.

But whether you call me Jehovah, Yaweh, God, Allah or Charlie, I am still who I am, what I am, where I am, and I will not stop loving you because you got my name wrong, for heaven’s sake.

So you can stop quarrelling over what to call me.

From: Friendship With God – Neale Donald Walsch

So, thanks Charlie, you’re a star!!



Everything Serves A Purpose

For the benefit of those who have not been following my blog for very long, I will just recap on something that I once wrote about on a fairly regular basis, before I get to the point of this particular post.

There was a time when I seemed to have a lot of out-of-body experiences. I estimated, that over the years; starting in approximately 1999, I had somewhere in between 200 to 300 astral adventures. Some were spectacular and some were not worth writing about. A couple of years back I wrote about how they had become very few and far between, but no sooner had I made that statement, they started again with a flurry. In 2020 I have had only five; the last being back in May. They now seem to have dried up completely. Every now and then I asked myself the question, “why, what’s the point?” I came to the conclusion that it was so I would be able to share my experiences (where appropriate), and reassure people that, “this isn’t all there is.”

OK, so that was a condensed version of my astral travelling experiences…

It occured to me very recently, that my initial assumption, although true, was not the complete picture. I have now realised that my experiences, some of which, that as time went by became quite tedious, brought me confirmation of a very profound truth and that it has taken me all this time to realise it. What I mean is this: I had the sensation of leaving my body; I also had the sensation of returning to my body. Then there was the bit in between where I had the actual astral experience, whatever form that took. But, the important thing here is that I was conscious of all aspects of the experience. Meaning, that my body is most certainly not who I am. When I was out of my body, consciousness was very much “alive” and alert. So, my body is not essential to my being, but consciousness is who and what I am. Indeed, my body is completely inanimate unless consciousness is present.

It is all very, very simple and I can’t believe that it took so long for the penny to drop. If it’s the case for me, then it must be so for everybody else. Of course, if you want to be pedantic about it and split hairs, you could argue that I know it is my truth because I had the direct experience, and possibly it would be different for others. You could add that individuals will only come to the same conclusion as me if they have the same experience. But, all said and done, I think it’s a pretty good indicator that we are consciousness and not the body.

Who Am I? Part Twenty One

Special thanks to Štefan Štefančík for the photo

I have always maintained that my strange experiences in the middle of the night began in 1999. However, the more I think about it, the more it occurs to me that it must have been earlier. I will also add that I will not be wrapping this up in this post, I will be doing that later and revealing the greater understanding of the subject that I have these days. I would be lying if I said that the experience didn’t frighten the life out of me. It didn’t happen very often but when it did I really knew about it. It all started with isolated incidents of being pinned down; completely and utterly unable to move, whilst lying in my bed during the early hours of the morning. The pinning down would always be accompanied by an extremely strong presence of spirit. I always tried to resist but it was impossible; all I could do in my fear was to send thoughts out to God to help me! You have all probably had experiences that are very real, but after the event you try to convince yourself that they didn’t happen, or that you just dreamed or imagined the whole thing. Well that is exactly how it was for me, and the first incident that I can actually remember would have occurred some time at the tail end of 1997; but I know there were incidents before that.

My memory of the finer detail is quite hazy as I type, but I know the experiences intensified as the new millennium approached; so much so that it got to the point where I decided to seek guidance. I asked at the spiritualist church and was given the telephone number of a lady who only lived a short drive away from where I was living in Gorse Hill. This was during the period that I was off work with stress. She was a medium so I went to her also in the hope that she would take all my problems away! I told her what I’d been experiencing, and straight away she said, “Oh, that’s astral travelling, just go with the flow and you will enjoy the experience”. Sure enough, and just as I thought it would, it happened that night. I took the medium’s advice and went with the flow; she was right, it was an incredible experience. I’ve had so many astral adventures since then that it would be impossible to say exactly how many out-of-body experiences I’ve had, but I would guess the figure is well in excess of 200.

In 99.9% of cases the pattern was exactly the same. I would wake in the middle of the night and be unable to get back to sleep. Eventually, I would enter a kind of limbo state; neither asleep nor awake, and it was then that I would feel myself enveloped by spirit. I would then be lifted from my body and carried off at incredible speed, usually through complete darkness but occasionally there would be a tunnel. I would then get dropped off at an astral destination where I was left to my own devices. Then at some point I would have the sensation of returning to my body. Interestingly enough, the return journey is always much quicker than the outbound. A whole new world opened up for me. I found very quickly that simply by thinking myself in a particular direction I would start travelling in that direction. I also learned very quickly to be able to pass through solid objects. Astral energy has a much finer vibration than matter; that’s why we can’t normally see it, but all energy appears solid in its own relevant plane of existence.

In the early days I always kept my eyes closed until I got to my destination, because I found that if I opened them en-route it put a dampener on things and I ended up straight back in my body. Eventually, I was able to open my eyes during the outbound journey, enabling me to view the surroundings and my companion. However, not all journeys have been smooth and I’ve only on very rare occasions had the same companion twice. On one occasion I had a soul whom I nicknamed “Einstein”, because he resembled that great man of science with his crazy, wild hair. It was so uncomfortable for me that I got quite angry and demanded that I return immediately to my body. I did go straight back in my body, but not before acquiring an astral bruise. It remains the only time that has ever happened to me.

Incredibly, on some occasions it got so boring that I questioned the relevance of the experience. On one such occasion I learned that all I needed to do was think myself back into my body, and I would be back in the blink of an eye. There has only been one time when I seemed to be stuck and contemplated the thought that I might possibly have “died”. I ended up outside what looked like a very small version of one of those open-planned newsagents that you get in airports. There was no soul anywhere to be seen except me. I seem to remember looking to try to fathom out what was going on in the “astral news”. All I could see was blank placards and I remember thinking that I was wasting my time. I “thought” myself back into my body but nothing happened! I did it a few more times and still nothing happened. Eventually, I started to make a very slow journey back to my body; it seemed to take an age but I got there in the end.

In the early days things were shown to me that indicated that these experiences can be used to show you scenes from previous lives. In my case I was shown things that I understand to be from my two previous lives. However, I have no way of proving this. Below are a couple of links to accounts of some of my more spectacular out-of-body experiences, and I will touch on the subject again in a future post. Thanks for reading, bye for now!

Operation Caravan

At Last – An Out-Of-Body Experience Worth Writing About

The Social Effect – Video #2


This is the second in my series of videos entitled “The Social Effect”. I am aware that I said in my last post before going off on my trip to Wales that my next communication would be a video showing how we can use our own voice to enhance our general well-being. Well sometimes “stuff” just takes over. The good thing is, that particular video is still on the horizon and I WILL get around to sharing it with you. In the meantime I hope you enjoy The Social Effect.

The Amazing Journey – Special Promotion

I’m pleased to announce that from 08:00 am on Monday 16 March to 08:00 am on Monday 23 March the kindle version of my book, The Amazing Journey, will be available for the special promotional price of £0.99 in the UK and $0.99 in the US. Below is the synopsis, a couple of extracts and the links to buy in amazon UK and US. Watch this space for more promotions soon.

Previously published as Astral Travelling, The Avatar And Me

TAJ-Final Version-EBIn 2000 my life hit rock bottom. Emotionally I was totally spent and did not see any way out of the mire that I found myself in. This book tells the story of how (with a little help) I managed to turn my life around. Miraculously at the onset of the new millennium I started to embark on a series of truly amazing out-of-body adventures, and as the years have gone by, I have learned to pass through solid objects, propel myself in whatever direction I wish to travel, and unbelievably, “will” myself back into my body when I become bored with the journey. As if that wasn’t incredible enough, I have also been blessed by the Avatar of the age himself, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who first entered my life in 2001. Since then I have had a series of truly wonderous experiences with Baba, the highlights of which were being held in his arms during an out-of-body experience in 2006 and seeing him in physical form at his ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam (abode of the highest peace) in Puttaparthi, Southern India in October 2009.

I was extremely tired and decided to have a lay down in the afternoon. I drifted off into a dream world and felt a very strong presence around me.  I felt myself being lifted from my body and then I was moving at a great speed.  My third eye became animated and I could see pictures of people and events flashing through my mind, although I couldn’t recount anything specific.  I then realised that I wasn’t being taken anywhere in particular.  Instead my companion appeared to be giving me some kind of spiritual healing.  We were still moving but I could feel the soul’s hands on me and the terrific energy coming from them.  This was once again something new and extremely unique for me to experience.  The energy was nothing like I’d ever experienced before.  I then felt myself returning to my body and when I opened my eyes it was 2:05 p.m.

At some stage, I really can’t remember when, I’d started having strange experiences during the night.  I either dismissed these experiences as dreams or tried to convince myself that they simply hadn’t happened.  One of the earliest that remains really vivid to this day was when I found myself travelling through the air at a terrific speed.  It was quite dark and I found myself heading towards trees.  It was a very hairy experience.  I braced myself waiting for the impact, convinced I was going to get impaled on the branches.  I was amazed when I realised I was simply flying through them as though they were not there.

Buy The Amazing Journey as an eBook on Amazon UK

Buy The Amazing Journey as an eBook on Amazon US

Out Of This World

210701_3084350927268_403613210_oIn recent months this blog has attracted a number of new followers, so I thought I would wind the clock back a bit for the benefit of my new friends and recap on why I blog and the things I blog about. Essentially, I write about spirituality, spiritual subjects, and in the main, my own actual life experiences. I also like to write articles that contain messages of inspiration and upliftment. In recent months I have introduced the “Ricky’s Raw Recipes” series, (mainly because my spiritual experiences dried up and I needed to write about something!) but even though those articles are just a tad tongue-in-cheek, they are nonetheless valid, informative; and the juices themselves are very nutritional and detoxifying. However, the subject I’m going to concentrate on for the purpose of this article is out-of-body experiences and astral travel.

Back in the late 1990s I started to have strange experiences in the middle of the night; quite often these experiences would involve the sensation of being pinned down and unable to move (this is also a common symptom of psychic attack). At the time I was in a very dark place; I’d suffered with depression for years and also had a penchant for alcohol, which took me down into the pits. At some stage I went to seek advice from a lady medium, in Swindon, where I was living at the time. She explained that I was experiencing the first stages of astral travelling and that I should allow myself to go with the flow instead of resisting; she also said that I would enjoy it.

Inevitably, soon after the meeting with the medium I experienced that old familiar sensation in the middle of the night. This time I allowed myself to be taken on what turned out to be the first of many amazing journeys. Since those early days I have now had so many astral adventures that it would be impossible to say how many. This is something that I didn’t go looking for; it’s something that came looking for me and I’m so grateful. The pattern always used to be the same. I would wake in the middle of the night and be unable to get back to sleep. After what seemed like an age of tossing and turning I would enter a kind of limbo state; neither awake nor asleep, and it was at this point that I would get taken from my body and embark on an amazing experience. Yes, you did read that correctly; I get taken from my body, and in astral form, I am taken on the most incredible journeys. I know they are not dreams because they are all tangible experiences (although sometimes they are preceded by dreams) and on one occasion I even came back with an astral bruise.

I never know who the souls that carry me off are; I just trust them. In the early days there were a few hiccups and on a few occasions I became quite stroppy and demanded to be back in my body. These days however, the journey is always extremely smooth and the astral experiences themselves seem to be constantly evolving and becoming even more incredible.

In the early days I very quickly learned that I could will myself to move in any direction I wanted once I had reached my astral destination. I also very quickly learned to pass through solid objects. Incredibly, the experience sometimes becomes a bit tedious, and when this happens, I’m able to will myself back into my body. There was only one occasion during the last 14 years or so when I found it difficult to get back.

I’m sure you will all be very happy to hear that once we are free of the physical body we are also free of stress, strain, worry and any other negative feeling you may be able to think of. It is a sensation of complete and utter freedom and it proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that life within the Earth dimension really is nothing more than an elaborate illusion. Please feel free to ask me any questions you want!

I wish you all love, light and peace.

December Promotions – Final Update

Monday and Tuesday 16 and 17 December bring the final two days of my Christmas promotions. On these two days you can download a FREE copy of The Amazing Journey from Amazon Kindle. To get your FREE copy just click on the relevant link below. If you are interested in astral travelling and out-of-body experiences this book will appeal to you. Thanks for taking an interest in my work!

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Maybe There’s Something Bubbling Under…

Westbury Spiritual Centre 19 November 2013

Westbury Spiritual Centre 19 November 2013

Last night I was working in another town, Westbury to be precise, and I didn’t get home until late. As a result I went to bed late and planned to stay in bed a bit longer this morning. So, I was just a little disappointed when I awoke and realised it was still quite early. I was even more disappointed when I didn’t drop straight back off to sleep again. At some stage the inevitable happened and I entered the limbo state that I know so well now, where I am neither asleep nor awake; and at this point my third eye lit up.

I continued to lay there in anticipation as images of a young girl flashed through my third eye; it was a bit like those early films that worked on the same principle as flicking through the pages of a book at great speed so that the images appeared to be moving. I didn’t know who the girl was but I was enjoying the experience of my brow chakra being active and illuminated. I then felt something else that has become part of the norm over the years; I felt a strong but friendly presence envelop me. Now, you will probably think I am being greedy and over-indulgent, but as my recent spate of out-of-body experiences seems to have dried up I was anxious to get the ball rolling again. So, in an effort to kick-start my astral adventures I did something that I’ve not done before; I asked my companion to lift me from my body and take me on a journey. To my great joy, this is exactly what happened.

Westbury Spiritual Centre 19 November 2013

Westbury Spiritual Centre 19 November 2013

We travelled at speed, with me being held by my unknown friend, and as we did so I pondered what great adventure lay ahead. Or, I thought to myself, would this simply be a case of anti-climax. Sure enough, we reached a destination of sorts, but before I even had a chance to check out the surroundings and give thanks to my friend, I was back in my body (and just a touch disappointed). Those of you who have been following my blog for some time will know that I don’t normally write about every astral experience I have, because I have had so many over the years and some of them literally only last for a few seconds. But the reason I chose to share this one is because in the past when I’ve had some real humdingers, they have occasionally been preceded by very brief and uneventful experiences like this one. It might just be wishful thinking on my part, but maybe there’s something bubbling under…